Posts tagged Estate Planning
Protecting Your Estate from being Contested

Contesting a Will can be a significant concern for many Australians when planning their estate, especially if there's a family member likely to challenge the distribution of assets. Understanding the legal landscape and employing strategic measures can help ensure your wishes are respected. In this blog post we’ll explore some strategies you could implement to protect your estate from being contested under Australian law.

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What is a Farm Succession Plan?

Farming succession, is the process of transferring ownership, management and operation of a farm from one generation to the next. This multifaceted transition involves the transfer of not only physical assets, such as land and equipment. But also, the knowledge and skills that define a family's agricultural legacy. Navigating farming succession requires careful planning, communication, and thoughtful consideration of financial, legal, and emotional impacts to ensure the seamless continuation of a farming enterprise.

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Why it's important to update your Estate Plan when you separate or divorce

Going through a separation or divorce is undoubtedly a challenging and emotionally taxing experience. Amidst the many adjustments you'll have to make, it's easy to overlook the importance of updating your estate plan. However, failing to do so can have significant consequences and leave your assets vulnerable to unintended beneficiaries. Read our latest blog to find out more…

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